5 Powerful Tips to Quickly Grow Your TikTok Account

Everyone wants to know, what’s the secret sauce to growing on TikTok? Spoiler alert! It’s as complicated as it seems and it's no mystery.
Here are my top 5 powerful tips to quickly GROW your TikTok Account. These tips have helped my clients like @cupofmel go from 8K to 30K followers in just 2 weeks.

1. Set Goals for your TikTok Account

First things first, setting clear goals will help you stay on track and keep you from playing the never ending social media comparison game. This will help you stay focused and continue to move forward.
When you are setting your goals ensure you’re using metrics and realistic deadlines. These metrics should be very specific. For example, saying “I want to be successful on TikTok” is too broad of a statement. Instead, try this -> “I want to gain 10K followers in 2 weeks.”

Here are some important questions for you to consider when goal setting:

  1. What is the reason you want this goal? What will it help you achieve?
  2. What are you looking to gain for achieving this goal?
  3. What is the reason why someone would follow you?
  4. What value are you providing for followers? How do you help them?
  5. Who would like your content?
  6. Who do you want to attract or connect with on TikTok?
Answering these questions will help you gain some clarity around what you are doing, your goals and your reason behind it. Having this information will help you stay consistent and avoid creative burnout.

2. Choose a Good Username

Have you ever considered the fact that your TikTok username may be preventing you from getting profile & video views, or gaining followers? Here’s the cold hard truth, choosing a good username can make or break your account. One of my first clients was stuck at 7K for months and after changing her username with my advice she skyrocketed her account to 50K followers. Can you believe it? All she did was change her username from her real name to a name that reflected the type of content she creates and it was catchy and memorable!
Think about it this way, when people are scrolling through the FYP (for you page), your name means nothing to them. You are a complete stranger, BUT if your name stands out and says something about your content then you have a winner. People can then identify with it and get an idea of what you can offer them without having to visit your profile. Here are some more easy tips to help you pick your username.
Keep it short - if it’s too long to type out or you have to repeat a letter several times, how is anyone going to remember that? Our brains can only remember 3-5 items in our short-term memory. That’s why we can remember phone numbers! Anything longer and the average person will unfortunately forget it. Keeping it short will help people remember your account.
Make it catchy - Play around with alliteration or adjectives to help make your name unique and memorable.
Using your real name or brand name - I understand that you may want the same name across all your social media channels; however, if you are new to TikTok and trying to grow your audience and personal brand, I strongly recommend that you use something else until you have built your community. Don’t worry, you can always go back and change your username later when you become known for yourself, not just your content.
What if your desired username is not available? - Fear not, TikTok allows underscores and periods in usernames. If your username is taken you can play around with these characters, I do suggest you use them to break up words instead of placing them randomly. This way you can avoid confusion and people can read it easier.

3. Participate in TikTok Trends BEFORE they become too Popular

This is one of the best ways to grow on TikTok. How do I know? Well, I’ve received hundreds of comments from my followers who have specifically told me how they have grown their accounts by jumping on trends early. BTW, I announce trends daily on my TikTok account. So make sure you follow me to stay in the know-how. @wavewyld

So why are trends so popular anyway? Here are 3 good reasons:

  1. TikTok is an app built on trends. TikTok wants you to participate in trends.
  2. It gives you a chance to show off your personality. Most trends are jokes - so get creative in adapting a trend to your niche. Make your joke funny and relatable.
  3. They are popular with viewers. People like to see your version or take on a trend.
If you are not familiar with trends you can find them listed and updated daily on the Discover page. However, the best chance for growth is to jump on trends BEFORE they hit the Discover page. The reason you want to jump on trends before they hit the Discover page is because there is a high demand for trends on TikTok that don't last very long and by the time they hit the Discover page, many people have already seen or done that trend. Therefore, if a viewer sees that trend on their FYP, they are highly likely to scroll by your video because they are familiar with the trend and already bored of it.

4. Learn How to Be a Content Creator

Content creation is not something we were all taught in school. Short-form video marketing is only a few years old, so it’s OK if you don’t know how to make videos.
Typically, a video is structured with a hook at the beginning of your video (something to grab the viewer's attention), then the information or story is in the middle and the pay off at the end.

Here are a few more content creation tips:

  • Study content creators in your niche or industry. Determine what makes them successful. Read this blog with more information on how to study and learn from other content creators.
  • Use TikTok features and effects. These make up the culture of the app and TikTok wants you to use them. Especially trending ones!
  • Invest in content creation equipment. This doesn’t mean your videos need to be professionally polished, but they do need adequate lighting, proper video quality, and clear sound. Videos that are poorly lit, blurry, faded or have poor audio don’t typically perform well. You can certainly use your phone, but think about purchasing a ring light if filming in poorly lit areas and microphone for voiceovers. Don't forget to wipe the camera lens before filming!
  • Plan your content in advance. Before you hit the record button, think about the goal and purpose of the video. What are you trying to communicate? Who does this serve and why should people watch it?

5. Post Videos Daily

This tip might scare you! If you want to be successful on TikTok you need to post daily. Posting 2-4 times a day is absolutely necessary for growth in the early stages of your account. There are a few reasons for this:
  1. TikTok is an app that rewards consistency. TikTok pushes videos on the FYP from users of small accounts who upload videos daily compared to users of small accounts who post sporadically every few days.
  2. The algorithm is trying to determine who you are, what your content is about, and who to show it to. Posting daily will give it more information about your account and who to show it to.
  3. Posting more will give you additional opportunities for exposure compared to posting less in the early stages of your account. As you grow, you will need to increase engagement with your growth, at that point you will need to focus on quality, not quantity.
If posting multiple videos a day feels overwhelming remember, these are short-form videos that are only 15 seconds or less. They don’t need to be professionally lit, with professional hair and makeup! TikTok is all about authenticity and being in the moment. You can also batch create your content. This involves taking time out of your schedule to make videos and save them into your drafts, so you have content to post at any time. Bonus tip: Creating duets or stitches are quick ways to make content too!
Remember growing on TikTok doesn’t have to be complicated. Stay consistent and focused on your goals and you can achieve anything you set your mind to.

get the inside scoop on trends and growth strategies for TikTok, Reels and Shorts!

From the OG, Queen of Trend Alerts, who started the “Trend Alert” Movement on social media

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